I recently read a post by a student at a Christian university regarding philosophy. There were some statements made about learning about “opposing viewpoints such as the Big Bang theory.” The author went on to make erroneous comments about molecules evolving and “the universe, the sun, and everything in it would have already died” by the time life had evolved. I have some issues with the post. Read More…
itsfullofstars: Project Mercury America’s first space program.
Astronaut Gerald P. Carr, Commander for the Skylab 4 mission, jokingly demonstrates weight training in zero-gravity as he balances astronaut William R. Pogue, pilot, upside down on his finger. Read More…
Elizabeth’s favorite planet (Neptune) as seen in the infrared last night at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii. The bright red are strong storms.
Yesterday, a rare astronomical event happened: Venus crossed in front of the sun. I was able to see this personally, and several interesting facts occurred to me. First, watch this 3 minute video from NASA. It was recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory in orbit above the Earth. Watch in HD if you can. Read More…
“How much would you pay for the universe?" –Neil deGrasse Tyson (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
ilovecharts: Perspective
redhypergiant: Mid Atlantic United States from ISS
juleahkaliski: Know your place in the line.